“Because He is....We are”
1 John 4 : 17

May 12th,2024

Seventh Sunday of Easter Service

1 Peter 1:15-16 “As it is written Be Holy for I am Holy”

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Friends

God has chosen us,. For what you might say? To be the Gospel in this world. To share His love with all. To “represent”

His constant call for us to be connected with Him, tells us He desires to have a relationship with us. Now we must choose. Do we want a relationship with Him.

His love for us is so strong that He would rather die than live without us. What is our response to that…Hmmm. You remember the commercial “try it ..you’ll like it. My sentiment exactly. You have nothing to lose, but so much to gain. Get into the Word, have a conversation with Him…love a little more…take some time to rest..be strong in the Lord. I promise you…it’s the best life….So Try it…you’ll like it

Let us pray for our world, let us pray for one another and let us tell all “ANY WAY TO JESUS” …Just get there!

Blessings to you!

Pastor Anthony




The Lamplighter Weekly

May 16th- Adult Bible Study 7pm

May 16th- Kid Zone 6pm-8pm

May 16th- Choir Rehearsal- 8pm

May 19th-Sunday Worship- Service 10am


Fellowship to follow!

A special Mother’s Day Blessing and gift will be given on the 12th..

Upcoming Events- June 1st


Any Way to Jesus!